Thesis focused on the analysis of information war technology in the wiki environment discussed

26 February 2018 - 10:35 | Conferences, assemblies

On February 23, 2018, Sector Chief of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS Irada Alakbarova introduced her thesis "Development of Methods and Algorithms for Analyzing Information War Technology in Wiki-Environment" on the specialty 3338.01 - "System Analysis, Management and Information Processing" at the Department of ‘’Information Technologies and Programming’’ of Azerbaijan Technical University (AZTU).

Head of the Department of "Information Technologies and Programming" of AzTU, Associate Professor Zafar Jafarov, Head of "Computer systems and networks" department, prof. Vidadi Musayev, Professor of the "Multidisciplinary telecommunication systems" department, PhD Bayram Ibrahimov, Associate Professor Tukazban Guliyeva,  PhD, Asociate Professor Shahnaz Shahbazova,  Asociate Professors Rauf Hasanov, Abdulla Mammadov, Nizami Jafarov, Rauf Mustafayev, David Nasibov, Valeh Badalov, Tarana Kahramanova,  Gulara Muradova, Nargis Miriyeva, Hasan Kurbanov, Arzu Axundov, Karim Karinmov and others were attended meeting.

The applicant, I. Alakbarova, commented on the essence and basic provisions of the dissertation and noted that the issue is of great urgency in the modern era. She gave detailed information about the scientific novelty of the work on the development of methods and algorithms for the analysis of information warfare technologies, as well as the high scientific and practical significance of the approaches to the solution of the issues in order to evaluate, control and analyze the real situation in a giant virtual project like Wikipedia.

The speaker said that the information about the events in the world is first mentioned in Wikipedia, and usually they do not reflect the truth. In this case, using the capabilities of Wikipedia for its own purposes, using the information warfare technologies, there is a need for a secretive analysis of the real threat to the states' information space.

I.Alakbarova informed about the proposed methods and algorithms. She talked about the definition of disputablel wiki-pages in the Wiki environment, the hidden social networks that carry out information warfare technologies, as well as the importance and application areas of methods and algorithms intended for effective use of multimedia resources in the information war.

Then chairman of the session, associate professor of "Information technologies and programming", department , PhD, Zafar Jafarov expressed his opinion. The plaintiff answered numerous questions.

At the end, A. Alakbarova's dissertation on the theme "Development of methods and algorithms for analysis of information war technology in the Wiki environment" was recommended for defense.

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