The conceptual model of the system providing information security of children discussed

02 February 2018 - 16:55 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department №9 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held.

The Sector chief Sabira Ojagverdiyeva presented the report on "The Conceptual Model of the System providing Information Security of Children on the Internet".

The reporter said that in modern times, the Internet is not only interesting and important information, but also a global network full of malicious and dangerous web pages. According to her, special methods and tools should be used for searching, detecting and obtaining web pages that are harmless for children within the information chaos.  To ensure the safety of children, the conceptual model was proposed by the reporter for the prevention of harmful information and the adoption of appropriate decision by using the data sanitation method.

Although, there are a large number of software solutions aimed at solving chidren’s safe use of the Internet, it is essential to create more optimal methods, safe software tools and mechanisms for ensuring the safety of children in the network, Mrs. Ocagverdiyeva stressed. The reporter proposed methods such as preventive work, parenting, use of information resources and technical supervision to ensure the safety of children and adolescents.

Speaking about Web analytics, the sector chief said that this is a system used to optimize the website. Its main purpose is to monitor sites and solve the problem. Web analytics analyzes data collected to analyze the behavior of users in the virtual environment, which pages they visit and so on. This system has been used more recently to prevent problems that have been created by threats if previously used to remedy the problems in the registry file system.

Then the reporter presented the overall scheme of the conceptual model. According to this model, the audience of their children is interested in their age, curiosity, health, level of knowledge, psychological state and others. web pages are filtered by taking note of the symptoms, she  said. These categories are national, religious, ethnic, geographical, and so on. can be increased and modified according to features.

Mrs .Ojagverdiyeva also spoke about the web-separator, the web components used to provide the functionality of the proposed conceptual model.  Web Separator is a method for content analysis or content analysis, textual and graphical data acquisition. Cleared multimedia traffic enters the web total. Aggregation, structuring, cleaning works on multimedia traffic from the Internet.

Later, the reporter provided information on biometric identification and said that biometric data was used to control input and control inputs in the field of information technology.  According to him, children are allowed to enter the system based on the biometric features. Biometric features may be stored in the form of tables, diagrams, reports, even if the content of the content is ultimately transmitted to users.

In the end, discussions were held on the report, questions were answered. Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev noted a number of suggestions and recommendations.

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