The meeting was held at the Institute with the Ambassador of Algeria to Azerbaijan

26 January 2018 - 10:35 | Meetings

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS a meeting was held with Ambassador of the Republic of Algeria to Azerbaijan, Mr Abbess Benmouzat. The main goal was to discuss the prospects of scientific cooperation between the two countries.

PhD, Head of international relations department Vugar Musayev, deputy director on technology, PhD in technical sciences Rashid Alakbarov, scientific secretary Madina Saidova also took part at the meeting.

Mr. Bennmoussat first spoke about cooperation between the country and Azerbaijan in the fields of science, education and culture. He underlined the importance of continuing contacts between the scientific institutions of the two countries, the exchange of personnel and experience and participation in joint research.

The ambassador said that a delegation from Algeria is expected to visit Azerbaijan in the near future, including the President of the Algerian Science and Technology Academy, prof. Mrs. Malica Allab-Yaker, he noted.

Then, director of the Institute, academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Aliguliev spoke about the historical relations existing between Azerbaijan and Algeria in different directions - political, economic and other fields, and emphasized the importance of developing scientific relations.

Stating that there are similarities between religion, climate, history and culture, the scholar recalled that Algerian students had previously been trained in military and oil fields in our country.

R. Alguliev invited President of the Algerian Science and Technology Academy, Professor Malika Allab-Yakari to the Institue.

Then, the guest was informed about the Institute's Training-Innovation Center and AzScienceNet's Data Processing Center.

It was noted that the process of informatics education and doctoral examinations for all PhD students of the country is carried out at the Training Innovation Center, as well as distant lectures through videoconferencing over the Internet.

It was noted that, through AzScienceNet, Internet-services such as Wi-Fi, Cloud Computing, Cloud Storage, Cluster Accounts, Hosting, Eduroam are provided to ANAS scientific institutions and organizations. AzScienceNet has a computing power of 17 Tflops, with a capacity of 400 Tbps, with the speed of 1 Gbit / s connected to Pan-European Science and Education Network (GEANT).

Ambassador A.Benmoussat praised the innovative opportunities created at the institute and said he was ready to provide necessary assistance for joint cooperation.

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