A delta robot designed to perform up to 75 motions per second

22 January 2018 - 11:37 | Technological innovations
A delta robot designed to perform up to 75 motions per second

Researchers from Harvard University have developed a new robot, which is the smallest, fastest and most accurate robot of its class, reports The Verge. The device is called milliDelta and can move very fast - perform up to 75 movements per second. Bot, as reported by the developers, can find a variety of applications - from working on assembly lines to create tiny boards to assist in microsurgical operations.

''MilliDelta'' belongs to the class of delta robots. They were invented in the 1980s and are used mainly in factories where they deal with packaging, sorting, etc. True, unlike most other delta robots, miliDelta uses not traditional electric motors, but piezoelectric drives.

The authors note that most of the available delta robots have a frequency of only a few Hertz (that is, they can perform several movements per second), while the milliDelta frequency is 75 hertz - about 15-25 times higher than that of other analogs . The dimensions of the robot are 15 mm x 15 mm x 20 mm, and the weight is 430 milligrams.