Mathematical modeling should be widely used in scientific research

12 January 2018 - 11:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Academician Rasim Alguliev, academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology, voiced this idea at the next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute. Speaking about the  scientific results obtained by the structural divisions of the institute for 2017, he said that the results of the research conducted by the Institute staff in the report year on the scientific and theoretical problems of the information technology and information society were published in the prestigious scientific journals of the world. Also, scientific-practical conferences and seminars were held at the institute, models and methods covering various problems were proposed.

In 2017, the institute collaborated with various international organizations and associations, participated in international projects, regional telecommunication network, conducted scientific researches with foreign scientists, conducted foreign visits and meetings, scholar noted.

Noting that activities of the structural divisions of the institute for the year 2018 will be discussed, R. Alguliev stressed the importance of reorganizing the activities of each department this year.

The scholar advised the Institute’s staff to engage in competitive research problems, publish articles in international journals, use more mathematical modeling in research, and take action to form mathematical culture.

Then R. Alguliyev informed the head of the department, the PhD on technical sciences Vugar Musayev about the selection of the national coordinator for the ICT direction within the framework of the European Union Horizon 2020 program.

At the event, the issues of admission to the PhD courses were also discussed.

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