Electronic waste problems investigated

25 December 2017 - 14:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held. Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute, academician Rasim Alguliev, who opened the event, said that the seminar  was dedicated to "Electronic waste problems and ways of their solution".

Head of the department, PhD Bikas Aghayev informed about the global environmental problems of humanity, basic terms in the field of electronic waste (ET), types of wastes in various fields.

The reporter noted that every year around 70 million tons of Electronic waste is formed around the world and this figure is increasing. He spoke about the effects of E-waste on the environment and human health, the source of raw materials for recycling, the source of heat and energy.

B.Agayev spoke about the dangers of medical electronic waste and said that they have ecological, epidemiological and physiological effects on people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 5 million people die every year in the world because of the pollution of atmospheric air.

B.Agayev noted that in order to combat the negative effects of electronic waste, documents of the world's leading organizations, including the United Nations Environment Protection Commission, the Johannesburg International Summit and the European Union (EU) Commission were adopted. These issues are reflected "State Strategy for Hazardous Waste Management" and "Azerbaijan 2020: Vision to Future" Development Concept in our country.  He also briefed on the legislative framework for the Electronic Waste Management System (EWMS) in the EU and Azerbaijan.

Speaking about the technological processing scheme in Azerbaijan, the reporter noted that according to the State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan for 2015, 0.2 tons of mercury, 3.9 tons of luminescent lamps, 27 tons of batteries, 717.9 tons of medical waste was thrown into polygons without any initial and recycling process.

The head of the department said that the Baku Waste Disposal Plant and the Waste Disposal Plant are the largest mixed waste enterprises in Eastern Europe. Enterprises that are capable of processing 500,000 tons of household and 10,000 tons of medical waste annually are expected to receive 231.5 million kWh / h of electricity from waste burning.

Finally, discussions were held around the report, and questions were answered.

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