"Researches carried out at the Institute meets the challenges of the World Science Forum"

15 November 2017 - 16:05 | Interviews, speeches
"Researches carried out at the Institute meets the challenges of the World Science Forum"

Academician Rasim Alguliev, academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute academician Rasim Alguliev, spoke at the meeting of the Scientific Council during the "World Science Forum" held in Jordan.

The scientist pointed out the significance of this Forum, which is considered the largest science meeting in the Middle East, noting that the event was organized both scientifically and technically at a high level. He said that about 3,000 scientists and specialists from various countries gathered at the forum to discuss the priorities and challenges of world science, new factors in the development of science and technology. He noted that the research carried out by the academically-led organization responded to the challenges of the World Science Forum.

According to R. Alguliev, world scientists exchanged views on digital changes in the Forum, IV Industrial Revolution, Big Data, Internet of Things, Digital Economy and other topics.

It should be noted that academician R. Alguliev participated in the World Science Forum held in Jordan on November 7-10, under the chairmanship of academician Akif Alizadeh.

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