The scientific-theoretical problems of electronic terminology are investigated

14 November 2017 - 10:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The report of the Department No. 5 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2017 was heard. Head of the department, Sayyar Abdullayev, presented the current year report and spoke about the work done to solve the problems on information technology terminology. The scientific-theoretical problems of electronic terminology, the current situation and ways of solving problems were studied, he stated.

He also noted that the department has been working on the selection, translation and classification of the most up-to-date terms collected in different areas of information technology. Researches on Systematization of the most up-to-date terms in various fields of information technology, its etymological source and history of creation, preparation of crossword based on these terms and so forth are being carried out, he noted.

S.Abdullayev spoking about the scientific-practical activity of the department said that the most modern terms in various fields of information technologies were obtained from well-known electronic libraries, the crossword samples were prepared on these terms, and about 140 sources from various sources on Big Data, Wikipedia, bioinformatics, electronic waste and software engineering.

He also informed about the work done in the current year on participation in international and national events, publication of articles in well-known scientific journals, preparation of books and booklets for different purposes, promotion of scientific-practical results in mass media and advertising-marketing activities. He noted that in the reporting year, the third part of express information was published and the fourth part was submitted to the competition.

Then academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev noted that terminology is important for collection and systematization of new words in our language and recommended further deepening of the researches in this area.

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