The articles of the Institute were published at the XI International Conference on the Application of ICT

06 October 2017 - 15:00 | Important events
The articles of the Institute were published at the XI International Conference on the Application of ICT

The article of co-authors , Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev and head of department of the institute, PhD on economics, docent Alovsat Aliyev titled "The development of indicators and indices system characterizing information and knowledge economy"  was published The IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies – AICT held on 20-22, September 2017 in Moscow, Russia. 2017.

The article focuses on a comparative analysis of the system of different indicators for information and knowledge economy formation and development. The main methodological approaches to their development and analysis are analyzed. Some recommendations are made to eliminate the existing problems in this area, and a methodology for calculating the gross domestic product formed at the expense of information and knowledge is proposed. The composite index of the information and knowledge economy and the relevant indices, subindexes and indicators that shape it are developed.

An article of Associate Professor A.Aliyev and researcher Roza Shahverdiyeva titled  "Development of Composite Indicator System for Comparative Evaluation of Innovative Technoparks" was published in the conference.

The article is dedicated to the technological innovations of the technology. In this aspect, the scientific and methodological foundations of the system are studied. Stages of creating a system of composite indicators, their requirements and their generalized content and content have been shown. A set of key indexes have been identified. The stages of the consistent formulation of the indicators are  provided for the base and subsidies of technology parks.

The AICT 2017 conference was indexed in  prestigious databases such as Thomson Reuters Scientific, Google Scholar, Association for Computing Machinery, Institution of Engineering and Technology, American Mathematical Society, National Library of Medicine, Optical Society of America, and

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