A new method for detection of plagiarism

02 October 2017 - 10:33 | Important events
A new method for detection of plagiarism

An article titled "A linguistic treatment for automatic plagiarism detection" by academician Rasim Alguliev, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS, and Ramiz Aliguliyev, co-authored with Malaysian scientists was published in Knowledge-Based Systems "journal. "Knowledge-based Systems" with a high impact factor is in the list of publications included in the Elsevier scientific base.

In the paper, the External Plagiarism Detection System (EPDS) was presented, which employs a combination of the Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) technique, the semantic and syntactic information. Most of the available methods fail to capture the meaning in the comparison between a source document sentence and a suspicious document sentence when two sentences have same surface text. However, the proposed method is able to avoid selecting the source text sentence whose similarity with suspicious text sentence is high but its meaning is different. On the other hand, an author may change the sentence from: active to passive and vice versa; hence, the method also employed the SRL technique to tackle the aforementioned challenge.

Furthermore, the method used the content word expansion approach to bridge the lexical gaps and identify the similar ideas that are expressed using different wording. The proposed method is able to detect different types of plagiarism such as the exact verbatim copying, paraphrasing, transformation of sentences, changing of word structure.

Knowledge-based Systems magazine's scientometric indicators are as follows:

Impact Factor:4.529

5-Year Impact Factor: 4.627

CiteScore: 5.35; SNIP: 2.660  SJR: 1.877; Quartile in Category: Q1

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