The officials of ANAS have attended the I Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Science and Technology

14 September 2017 - 11:35 | Important events
The officials of ANAS have attended the I Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Science and Technology

President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh and academician Rasim Alguliev, academician-secretary of ANAS, participated as part of the Azerbaijani delegation at the First Summit of Science and Technology of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and in the high-level meetings within the framework of this summit  () held in Astana, Kazakhstan, on September 7-11, 2017.

The Summit was aimed at promoting the role of OIC member countries in the global processes under the slogan "Scientific, innovative and technological modernization of the Islamic world," as well as the acceleration of the integration process in world science and strengthening of cooperation among Islamic countries.

Within the framework of the event meetings were held on topics such as "Relations between science and society in the 21st century", "Science and Technology for Sustainable Development", "Competitiveness and Innovation in Modern Economy", "Increasing Cooperation in Science and Technology". During the summit, the heads of states signed the Astana Declaration, which envisages the enhancement of multilateral cooperation in the field of education, science, technology and innovation among OIC countries. Another document of the event, "ICT Science, Technology and Innovation Agenda 2026," provides for a healthy lifestyle for all citizens, improving the quality of higher education and research, and other issues.

A.Alizade and R. Alguliev took an active part in discussions within the framework of the summit, exchanged views on cooperation in scientific researches and scientific achievements in Azerbaijan in recent years.

One of the most important issues facing the Organization of Science and Technology at the Organization of Science for Science (OIC) during the discussions was the fact that information and communication technologies are the priorities for cooperation, and noted that this is primarily due to the role that ICT plays in the sociocultural progress of humanity.

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