Research on audio information technologies are being continued

13 Jule 2017 - 12:29 | Conferences, assemblies

Semi-annual report of Department No. 6  was discussed at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. The head of the department, PhD in technical sciences Bikas Agayev informed about the work done within 6 months. The speaker, who first spoke about the research work, said that the conceptual bases for the formation of audio-video spaces in the information society in the field of audio-informational technologies were investigated. He noted that in the direction of scientific and socio-economic problems of electronic wastes, the existing problems in the field of electronic wastes in Azerbaijan were analyzed and proposals for their solution were developed.

Speaking about the scientific and innovation activities of the department, B.Agayev said that the department staff took part in the competition together with the Azerbaijan Technical University on "Analysis of electronic waste problems in Azerbaijan and development of proposals for their solution".

B.Agayev noted that the department staff published 4 articles in well-known scientific journals, attended to  various scientific-technical conferences and symposiums.

He also informed about the work done by the department staff on promotion of scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational, scientific-practical results in Mass Media and the organization of advertising-marketing work.

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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