Name       Department №6
Phone:       (+994 12) 5397128
Head of structural unit:       PhD in engineering Bikes Sayil oglu Agayev
Total number of employees:       5
Main area of activity of the structural unit:
  • Audio information technologies;
  • Geographic information technologies;
  • Scientific and socio-economic problems of e-waste.
Main scientific achievements of the structural unit:
  • Automated Checkpoint complexes on improvement and development of Metro passenger devices were developed and applied in Baku Metro;
  • The system of registering and recording (“Xəbərçi-1” and “Xəbərçi-1M”) dispatcher talks was developed on the basis of the researches conducted on the analysis and synthesis of audio service tools in distributed hierarchical dispatcher control systems; it is applied in Baku Metro.
  • Registration and intelligent processing system of call center operator talks and management operations (“Arbitr-107”) was developed in the direction of developing efficient methods and algorithms for intelligent processing of large-scale audio data, and the system is applied in “Az Telecom” Production Union;
  • The integration of dispatcher control system of SOCAR with advanced local and network recor-ding and archiving systems was explored within the framework of system mprovement concept, the system of registering and recording dispatcher talks was projected for the local use of the system on all 4 levels of hierarchical controlling taking into account the system characteristics, and the principles of developing specialized corporate voice recording network system were drafted out.
  • The methods and algorithms were developed for assessing and improving the quality of voice (speech) signals received via telecommunication channels according to the simplicity and naturalness criteria in the direction of developing methods and algorithms of speech transaction processing.
  • Real-time broadcasting monitoring was explored with the application of geographical information techno-logies; the principles and conceptual model of develo-ping broadcasting monitoring systems were developed according to the digital model of the area and the maps.
  • International practice in the development of e-waste control systems (legislative, technical and technological, economic, social, environmental, and other aspects) are studied, the proposals are drafted out to monitor conditions and to develop control system in Azerbaijan.