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  Name        Department №1
  Phone:        (+994 12) 5398548
  Fax:        (+994 12) 5396121
  Head of structural unit:        Ali Mammad Abbasov
       Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician
  Total number of employees:
  Main area of activity of the structural unit:
  • E-government formation
  • Various Aspects of Internet Study formation;
  • Acquisition of knowledge from big data sets.
  Main scientific achievements of the structural unit:
  • Algorithms and software were developed for various corporate information systems (e-document turnover with e-signature, e-archive, task execution control, decision support system, etc.):
  • Conceptual basis and architectural principles of e-document management systems were developed, the functional and technological architecture of confidence infrastructure of e-documents security was proposed and recommendations were put forward;
  • Conceptual model was developed for the system intellectualization, and the algorithm was developed for the automated classification of text documents in the systems;
  • Optimization models were provided for automated summarization of text documents;
  • Modified binary algorithms based on differential evolution and "herd" intelligence was developed to solve optimization problems.
  • An algorithm was developed for initial processing of domain names registration data, and a method was proposed for the authentication of domain names registration data;
  • Non-hierarchical method was proposed to be used for domain names registration data clustering;
  • A method for detection of hidden knowledge from domain names registration data and a methodology for the assessment of the development dynamics of high-level national domains were proposed;
  • A system was developed for the intelligent monitoring of the national domain names with regard to the interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
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