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Ali Mammad Abbasov was born in 1953. In 1969 he entered Azerbaijan Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry on specialty of “Automation and teleautomatics”.

In 1972 he was transferred to Moscow Power Engineering Institute by the same specialty in order to continue his education and graduated from it in 1976.

In 1977-1981 he continued his education in graduate school (aspiranture) under Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and in 1981 he obtained the academic degree of candidate of sciences by defending a thesis in the field of microelectronics.

In 1982-1992 years he conducted scientific-research and practical works on development and application of computer networks in Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.

In 1992 he was appointed to the post of director of Scientific Center of Information and Telecommunications Institute Information Technologies of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences and worked on this position until year of 2000. During this period, he was the leader and executive of “Automated Republican Control Systems” (ARCS – Azerbaijan) project, curator of EARN and Internet networks throughout the republic, leader on application of information systems and several special-purpose computers of national significance throughout Azerbaijan in field of information technologies in NATO Science Committee.

In 1993 after defending a thesis on specialty of “Information processing and control systems” he was awarded with academic degree of doctor of sciences.

In 1996 he obtained the title of professor in the field of Informatics.

During 2002-2004 years he was the rector of Azerbaijan State Economic University and at the same period he was the head of “Information technologies in world economy” department. During this period he has been the president of Association of Computer Networks (AZRENA) on Science and engineering of Azerbaijan and leads projects such as “Development of scientific and educational Internet networks”, “Establishment of distance education systems in the Republic”, “Virtual Silk Way” etc.

In 1996,Cambridge biographical center announced A.Abbasov as the international man of the year in the sphere of engineering and technology.

As of 1994 – he is the expert of UNESCO on information and communications. He is the full member of New York Academy of Sciences as of 1997, and from 1998 – International Informatization Academy, from 2000 – International Academy of Sciences, from 2001 – Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

He is deputy of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis as of 2000 and as of 2001 – member of General Assembly of European Council.

He is the author of 150 scientific-technical works, as well as 6 monographs.


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