The European bank fired a virtual assistant July 11, 2018 | 05:13 / Interesting information

After assessing the work of all employees, Swedish online bank Nordnet decided to fire its virtual employee Amelia. The corresponding dismissal order has already been signed by the management.

So, last year Nordnet concluded a deal with developer Amelia - the company IPsoft. Then the main task of the virtual assistant, created on the basis of artificial intelligence (AI), was to help customers quickly connect to banking services. After that, the AI-assistant was used for customer service.

Nevertheless, in Nordnet they decided to terminate the contract with Amelia. CEO Peter Dahlgren said in a comment to the local newspaper Dagens Industri that the financial institution plans to focus its efforts on other areas in the framework of using AI.

IPsoft has established itself as a leader in the development of assistants based on AI. Today, Amelia's services are used by banks such as Swiss Credit Suisse and Swedish SEB. 

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