Article on language industry published February 13, 2018 | 10:00 / Important events

An article titled "Language Industry: Opportunities, Prospects and Problems" co-authered by the academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Aliguliev and  head of department Rasim Mahmudov, was published in the scientific-practical journal "Problems of Information Society".

The article examines the essence, characteristics, current state and perspectives of the language industry, and the role of language services in the information society. Language industry is characterized as an important area of ​​knowledge economy. In addition, key segments of the language industry have been classified and their characteristic features have been interpreted.

The importance of linguistic communication formed in the language industry has been analyzed in the economy, and the perspectives of application of information and communication technologies in the language industry are shown. The role of language factor in the science innovation economy has been identified. Also, the current situation of the language industry in Azerbaijan was studied and proposals on the development of this sphere were put forward in our country.

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