The dissertation on "Developing the mechanisms for the establishment of modern e-library network" discussed

19 Mai 2015 - 12:00 | Conferences, assemblies

On May 15, scientific seminar was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. The event was devoted to discussion of the dissertation on "Developing the mechanisms for the establishment of modern e-library network" submitted by Elchin Mammadov to receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialties 3338.01 – “System analysis, control and information processing” and  3356.01 – “Library science, bibliography and book study”.

The applicant presented his dissertation and informed about its urgency, scientific and practical significance.

The chief engineer of the institute, PhD Rashid Alakbarov, Dr., prof. Masuma Mammadova, PhD Shafagat Mahmudova and others expressed their views and opinions on the thesis.

Scientific supervisors of the thesis academician Rasim alguliyev, and head of the chair "Library resources and information retrieval systems" Baku State University Dr. Professor Khalil Ismayilov highly appreciated the dissertation and mentioned its contribution to the scientific community.

Reviewers Dr. Bayram Allahverdiyev and PhD Nigar Ismayilova expressed their comments and recommendations on the study.

In the end, the thesis was decided to be submitted to the next phase.

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