Doctors may soon operate on 'digital humans'

28 April 2015 - 16:00 | Interesting information
Doctors may soon operate on 'digital humans'
Music fans received a surprise last year when a lifelike hologram of Michael Jackson performed at the Billboard Music Awards. Now, the creators behind that technology want to bring the first digital human to healthcare.

Florida-based Pulse Evolution creates computer-generated human likeness, or 'virtual humans.' Its technology has already been featured in Hollywood blockbusters like 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers,' and 'Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.' In the education sector, Pulse is working on a recreation of Albert Einstein to teach math at the University of Beijing.

Speaking to CNBC on the sidelines of the Smart Nations Innovation conference in Singapore, managing director Rudy Mazzocchi said he intends to turn the company's focus to medicine.