The thesis on "Developing methods and algorithms for the synthesis of voice biometric authentication systems" discussed

27 April 2015 - 14:05 | Conferences, assemblies

PhD student at the Institute Lyudmila Sukhostat presented her thesis on "Developing methods and algorithms for the synthesis of voice biometric authentication systems" at the seminar held on April 24, and talked about its relevance and objectives, and strategic tasks to achieve this goal.

The aim of the thesis is developing methods and algorithms for the synthesis of voice biometric authentication systems, which are resistant to the channel changes and distortions.

Doctors of Science in Technology, Professor, PhDs Bikes Aghayev, Shafagat Mahmudova Makrufa Hajirahimova, Gulara Muradova, Nigar Ismayilova and others participated in the discussions.

The thesis reviewers - Doctors Bayram Ibrahimov, and PhD Fadai Ganjaliyev made speeches and expressed their comments and suggestions.

The dissertation was unanimously recommended to the next stage.

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