Article of the research fellows of the Institute published in popular journal

14 April 2015 - 09:35 | Important events

Article of the research fellows of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS on the "Development of the Model of Dynamic Storage Distribution in Data Processing Centers " has been published in "International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science" (IJITCS).

Note that the journal is indexed in the international scientific databases such as “Google Scholar”, “CrossRef”, “DOAJ”, “IndexCopernicus”, “INSPEC(IET)”, “EBSCO”, “VINITI”, “JournalSeek”, “ULRICH's Periodicals Directory”, “WordCat”, “Scirus”, “Academic Journals Database”, “Stanford University Libraries”, “Cornell University Library”, “UniSA Library”, “CNKI Scholar”, “J-Gate”, “ZDB, BASE”, “OhioLINK”, “iThenticate”, “Open Access Articles”, “Open Science Directory”, “National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences”, “The HKU Scholars Hub”  and so on.

The paper reviews dynamic distribution of storage resources among the users in data processing centers. The process of changing memory usage state was revealed to be the process of Markov. The paper proposes the development of stochastic model of the memory and computing usage distribution and the development of probability density functions over practical data. Parameters of probability density functions were defined with the help of stochastic model and practical data. The calculation of the developed model and the parameters of the probability density function is realized dynamically during the ongoing process. At the beginning of each time interval, it is forecasted that the process will be shifted to which state with which maximum probability. The adequacy of the previous forecasts is monitored. Note that, over the time, the quality of the forecast and the level of adequacy increases. The model is used in the virtualization of storage resources usage process and ensures the use of storage resources without wasting. Structure of visualization base is given. The base enables to monitor all stages of the process. Using monitoring base the issues can be resolved to analyze different aspects of the process. Recommendations are given on the use of obtained results.

International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science

IJITCS Vol. 7, No. 5, p. 18, April 2015

Development of the Model of Dynamic Storage Distribution in Data Processing Centers

Rashid AlakbarovFahrad PashayevMammad Hashimov

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