The seminar "Media Monitoring: subject, problems and prospects" held

08 April 2015 - 12:25 | Conferences, assemblies

Department No. 16 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS held the following seminar. Senior research fellow of the institute Seadat Aghayeva presented a report on "Media Monitoring: subject, problems and prospects", and  gave detailed information about the history of the media monitoring, contemporary issues, institutions and organizations engaged in media monitoring, media monitoring the Internet, and state-of-the-art.

The reporter talked about the companies specialized in the news monitoring around the world. Along with the print media, the US "Cyberalert", which offers monitoring services in the Internet is monitoring more than 50 thousand online news sources in 75 languages ​​and 189countries a day, and more than 50 million blogs in social media, she added.

Mrs. S.Aghayeva noted that the achievements in the development of ICT emerging the establishment, development and research in the Internet media. "Media Monitoring Center", "Kalibri media", "Media Consulting and Services" and other domestic companies also deal with the monitoring and evaluation of Internet media resources, she noted.

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