The problems of "Big Data" studied

11 February 2015 - 12:00 | Conferences, assemblies
The problems of "Big Data" studied

An action plan of Department No 9 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2015 was discussed. Senior Project Engineer of the institute, PhD in technical sciences Makrufa Hajirahimova presented the action plan of the department and informed about the planned implementations. The action plan includes the study of Big Data analysis for oil and gas industry, analytics and analysis of big data problems, analysis of visualization problems and etc.

According to Mrs.Hajirahimova, within the scientific and innovative activities of the department, the staff will continue grant projects financed by Science Development Found under the President of AR.

Note that express-information titled “Big Data technology: state-of-the-art, opportunities and challanges” was published.

Reporter touched upon the scientific innovation and practical activities of the department, participation in national and international events, publication in well-known scientific journals, promotion of scientific and practical results in the media, and advertising-marketing activities to be implemented in the current year.

Finally, the action plan was discussed, suggestions and recommendations were expressed.

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