Using iPads to pacify children may harm their development

06 February 2015 - 02:24 | Interesting information
Using iPads to pacify children may harm their development

Children throwing tantrums should be given time to calm down on their own rather than distracted with tablets or smartphones, say researchers

It might be tempting to hand over an iPad to a screaming child when all else has failed to calm them down. But child psychologists say it may be stunting youngsters' emotional development, because they do not learn how to control their emotions.

Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine in the US found that children need to find ways of self-regulating their feelings rather than masking them with distracting programmes or games.

Dr Jenny Radesky, clinical instructor in Developmental-Behavioural Pediatrics at Boston University, said: "Mobile devices are everywhere and children are using them more frequently at young ages. The impact these mobile devices are having on the development and behaviour of children is still relatively unknown.