Models and mechanisms to be developed for managing Hi-Tech parks

28 January 2015 - 17:11 | Conferences, assemblies
Models and mechanisms to be developed for managing Hi-Tech parks

An action plan of Department No 8 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2015 was discussed. PhD in Economics, associate professor Alovsat  Aliyev presented the plan and said that the staff of the department is intending to analyze the process of information society formation and its economy, to develop specific models for its growth, to study  the factors that influence the ecologically balanced development of the economy through ICT, to develop models and mechanisms for the organization and management of high tech parks.

Mr. A.Aliyev also talked about the scientific innovation activities of the department about the in the management and informatization of current economic and social systems.

Furthermore, the speaker touched upon scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activity of the research fellows, and participation in national and international scientific-practical conferences, as well as publication of scientific papers in international and national journals which were recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) under the President of AR.

According to him, cooperation with Tashkent State Technical University, Turkey Yildiz Hi-Tech park, Belarus Hi-Tech Park of Belarus Republic and the Institute of Economics of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, as well as with relevant organizations will be carried established during the reporting year.

The report was discussed, suggestions and recommendations were made.

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