Acquisition and systematization of modern terms in information technology to be implemented

28 January 2015 - 11:56 | Conferences, assemblies
Acquisition and systematization of modern terms in information technology to be implemented

This was informed by the head of department No. 5 of the Institute of information Technology Sayyar Abdullayev during his speech at the meeting.

The action plan submitted by the department head S.Abdullayev included the implementation to be performed in the field of terminography during the current year. Collected modern terms in information technology will be selected, translated, classified, and systemized.

Reporter touched upon the scientific innovation and practical activities of the department, participation in national and international events, publication in well-known scientific journals, promotion of scientific and practical results in the media, and advertising-marketing activities to be implemented in the current year.

Finally, the action plan was discussed, suggestions and recommendations were expressed.

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