The methods and algorithms are developed for the recognition of the human face on the basis of photo-portraits

26 November 2014 - 11:09 | Conferences, assemblies

The following assembly of the Scientific Board of the Institute discussed the report of the Department No.9 for 2014.

Head of Department, PhD in physics and mathematics Tofig Kazimov informed about researches, innovation and scientific and educational activities, participation in international conferences, publication of articles and various books, propagation of scientific results at Mass Media, and etc.

He informed about the development of methods and algorithms for the recognition of racial and ethnic identity of the human face on the basis of photo-portraits. In this regard, “Racial-Ethnic” biometric identification system was developed basing on the developed methods and algorithms, and the experiments were carried out. Another research is conducted on the “The ways of Improving the quality of the identification for more efficient decision making by using biometric network”, he added.

The methods and algorithms of routing were developed for Ad Hoc networks, he said. The researches were conducted on the "Improvement of software reliability" and the "Development of the model for the recognition basing on the images of human hand veins", reporter mentioned.

Chief Engineer of the institute, PhD in engineering Rashid Alakbarov, Doctor of engineering Ramiz Aliguliyev, PhD in economics, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev and others discussed the report, and expressed their suggestions and recommendations. The report of the department was considered satisfactory by the decision of the Scientific Council.

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