Nigar Ismailova was nominated to the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan

20 November 2014 - 15:19 | Important events
Nigar Ismailova was nominated to the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan

The Expert Committee for the definition of the candidates presented to "Presidential Award for Youth" held a meeting at the Presidium of ANAS.

13 young scientists nominated from the research institutions and organizations of ANAS, including PhD in engineering Nigar Ismayilova nominated from the Institute of Information Technology, informed about their research activity at the assembly. Note that Nigar Ismayilova conducts research in the fields of fuzzy sets, scientometrics, bibliometrics, text mining, bibliometrical mapping of science, social network analysis, research evaluation, and the application of bibliometry in management and funding of science.

Afterwards, she answered the questions addressed by the President of ANAS acad. Akif Alizadeh and the committee members.

Note that 4 out of 14 young scientists nominated for the Presidential Award were decided to be submitted to the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan until 1 December at the assembly of the Presidium of ANAS held on November 19. Nominated young researchers include PhD in engineering N.Ismayilova, research fellow of the Institute of Control Systems Narmin Rzayeva, research fellow of the Azerbaijan National Museum of Literature after Nizami Gancavi Kamala Nuriyeva, and research fellow of Ganja Branch of ANAS Elnur Hasanov.

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