Senior Research Fellow of the Institute made a speech at "Baku Science Festival-2014"

11 November 2014 - 15:04 | Conferences, assemblies
Senior Research Fellow of the Institute made a speech at "Baku Science Festival-2014"

Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, PhD, associate professor, Zarifa Jabrayilova made a report on "Zadeh's theory and applications" at "Baku Science Festival-2014". Lotfi Zadeh’s great scientific discoveries and ideas contributed to the development of mankind, she noted. Zadeh gave the world science 6 fundamental theories, which include "Fuzzy logic," "Impressions theory", "Theory of spatial situations", "Computing with words", "Soft Computing Theory", "The theory of optimal filters", she added.

Note that the theory of fuzzy logic, which brought Zadeh worldwide fame, laid the foundation of alternative mathematics (fuzzy math). Zadeh's fuzzy logic has changed the view of the world, and make the life to be reflected more accurate.

The fuzzy logic technology is widely applied in the production of photo and video cameras, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, the of chemicals, and in the control of cars, trains, and industrial process. Well-known Japan companies such as "Umtaci", "Mitsubishi", "Toshiba", "Sony", "Orison", "Canon", "Rigo", "Sanyo" used Professor Lotfi Zadeh's fuzzy logic.

This theory is used in economics, psychology, linguistics, politics, philosophy, sociology, and religious issues, and conflicts, as well.

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