Cooperation relations with the Institute of Economy of Belarus NAS are established

04 November 2014 - 11:00 | Important events

Head of department at the Institute of information Technology of ANAS, PhD in economics, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev visited the Institute of Economy of Belarus National Academy of Sciences. Representatives from IIT of ANAS and the Institute of Economy of Belarus NAS attended the meetings held within the framework of grant on the research of formation of information economy in Azerbaijan leaded by Alovsat Aliyev.

First, Mr.Aliyev presented recommendation letter of the director of IIT of ANAS, academician-secretary of ANAS, acad. Rasim Algulyev, as well as some official information to scientific secretary of the Institute of Economy, PhD in economy Pyotr Nikolayevich Pekutko.

Mr.Aliyev gave P.N.Pekutko detailed information about the main activities and grants carried out at the institute.

One of the main activities of the institute is scientific substantiation of the mechanisms for enhancing the competitiveness of the Belarusian economy, P.N.Pekutko noted.

Mr. A.Aliyev made a speech at the seminar devoted to the discussion of the expansion of future mutual cooperation attended by "Innovation Policy" department fellows. Head of Department, PhD in economics Valery Valeriyevich Goncharov spoke about fundamental researches, innovative governance mechanisms, theoretical foundations of organizing the scientific sphere, organizational and economical mechanisms for the market of scientific-technical products.

Later, some proposals were decided to be developed for further cooperation.

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