The first drone corridor opened in West Africa

13 February 2020 - 12:55 | Interesting information
The first drone corridor opened in West Africa

Sierra Leone is a West African republic with the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. A government report for 2017 recorded the death of 1,165 mothers for every 100,000 children.

In order to prevent this, a corridor of unmanned aircraft was opened in Sierra Leone. These medical drones can help significantly reduce deaths by delivering essential health services to remote areas in a timely manner.

According to BBC News, drones loaded with oxytocin are considered more effective in saving mothers' lives by timely reaching isolated territories. You can control them from a distance of 40 km.

“We are responsible for emergency response and disaster reduction, as well as emergency communications throughout the country. UNİCEF has already opened corridors for unmanned aircraft in Malawi, Vanuatu, Kazakhstan and Namibia, ”said UNICEF technology development specialist Shane Connor.

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