Models on the influence of the information society to medical personnel formation will be developed

06 February 2020 - 15:32 | Conferences, assemblies

The action plan of the department No. 15 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2020 was discussed. Presenting the plan, the head of the department, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor Masuma Mammadova noted that this year research on the artificial intelligence problems, as well as the socio-information technologies problems, would be researched.

The speaker noted research on the problems of decision-making in the e-health environment, an intellectual system for the determination of hepatocellular carcinoma stages, e-citizen models in the e-government environment would be carried out, the scientific and methodological basis for  intellectual support of human resource management decision-making,  models and methods e-university activity concept would be developed.

Then M. Mammadova spoke about the upcoming work related to scientific and innovative activities. She noted that, like every year, this year it is planned to prepare expert reviews on articles submitted to scientific collections, scientific examination of dissertations and abstracts, posting information on the scientific activities of department employees on Wikipedia and Google Scholar.

According to M. Mammadova, this year the main goals of the department’s employees are to participate in scientific conferences at the international and republican levels, publish scientific articles in journals indexed in authoritative scientific databases.

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