The formation of cyber-physical infrastructure of and intellectual analysis technologies will be explored

06 February 2020 - 10:51 | Conferences, assemblies

The action plan of the department No.11 for 2020 was discussed at the Institute of Information Technology. The plan was presented by the head of department Shakir Mehdiyev. 

He noted that the research on the scientific and theoretical problems of the formation of information technology and information society and the development of effective methods wouldl continue this year.

The head of the department also said that it is planned to study the architectural-technological principles of technical service in cyberspace systems, the formation of cyber-physical infrastructure of the oil and gas industry based on the concept of Industry 4.0 and the development of intellectual analysis technologies. He said that "Dew computing: the current situation and prospects" , as well as "Architectural and technical bases of video surveillance systems" would be investigated.

He also informed about the upcoming work in the direction of scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, the participation of department's staff in international and national conferences, publication of scientific articles in prestigious journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan, promotion of scientific and practical results in the media.

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