Research on the problems of obtaining knowledge from a large scale data set

03 February 2020 - 10:30 | Conferences, assemblies

The discussion of plans of departments for 2020 has begun at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

The plan of Department No. 1 was presented by the Institute’s chief engineer, Ph.D., associate professor Makrufa Hajirahimova

The reporter said that research on scientific-theoretical problems of information technology and information society and the development of effective methods would be carried out. 

M. Hajirahimova spoke about research to be carried out "Development of methods and algorithms for big data analysis", "Development of new generation artificial intelligence technologies for oil fields" and "Big Data and digital heritage problems and their solutions".

She briefed about the scientific and innovative activity of the department and said that the department staff is going to participate in grant projects actively this year.

She also gave information on the scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities of the department, gave detailed information about the publication of articles in prestigious journals, participation in national and international conferences, promotion of scientific-practical results in mass media.

The head of the department No 2, Ph.D., Associate Professor Yadigar Imamverdiyev informed about current research activities, reports of department employees at scientific seminars and conferences, as well as the publication of articles in international scientific journals and work to be done.

He said that research on thesis "Information security management methods and models of e-government" in the field of information security problems, development of lightweight cryptographic schemes for cyber-physical systems, Development of a deeper learning method for predicting time series on cryptanalytics, as well as the development of social networking data sentiment analysis method would be carried out. Also research on " Development of methods and models for intellectual monitoring of computer networks". This year, researches on  "Development of Methods and Algorithms for Information Security in Cloud Technologies", "Methods for Ensuring Information Security in Cyber-physical Systems", "Problems of Information Security Management", "Scientific-Theoretical Problems of Internet Criminology", " Development of model and algorithms for increasing the effectiveness of information search on Internet-based roles "," Methods and algorithms for detecting information security anomaly in the network environment at times " would be conducted.

Thereafter,  the action plan of the department No.3 of the Institute for 2020 was discussed. 

He noted that research on "Automatic acquisition of scientific knowledge", “Formation of the cyber-physical infrastructure of the oil and gas industry based on the concept of Industry 4.0 and the development of intellectual analysis technologies”, Interaction of Citizen Science and the Volunteer Movement and its development" would be carried out.

Head of the department informed about the upcoming work on scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, measures carried out in the framework of the promotion of scientific and practical results in the media.

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