E-wallet will pay for public transport

03 February 2020 - 09:07 | Technological innovations
E-wallet will pay for public transport

In the oldest city of Belarus, Gomel will pay for public transport via e-wallet from 6 this month.

This payment system is based on working with the code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He said, “Information technology development is a priority task of Gomeloblavtotrans OJSC for 2020. We are confident that we will successfully implement this project, ”he said.

According to, the mobile program was developed by the Minsk company and Belinvestbank introduced electronic wallet technology. The system will be tested on one of the city routes. By the end of the year, it is planned to use smartphones for all public transport in the city.

Experts emphasized the importance of the active use of modern technologies in the transport sector for the convenience of both residents and businesses.

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