Today is the "International Day for the Protection of Personal Data"

28 January 2020 - 08:56 | Important events
Today is the "International Day for the Protection of Personal Data"

Today, the "International Day for the Protection of Personal Data" is celebrated in countries around the world. This holiday was established in order to comply with the rules of behavior of Internet users, ensuring the safety of their virtual and real life. In some countries, this date is called "Confidentiality Day."

The decision to celebrate Personal Data Protection Day was taken by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on April 26, 2006.

It is today and January 28, 1981, that the Council of Europe signed the Convention “On the Protection of Persons Related to the Automated Processing of Personal Data”. The Convention is the first binding international document defining the mechanisms for protecting human rights in the field of personal data protection and defining the concept of “personal data”.

Recall that the V Republican conference “Actual multidisciplinary scientific and practical problems of information security”, held November 29, 2019 at the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS, is devoted to the problems of ensuring and protecting personal data. The conference discussed issues such as multidisciplinary problems of personal data security, the formation of a culture of information security in society, reliable management of personal data security. The Institute regularly conducts research on the protection of personal data.

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