6G networks will spread across Japan by 2030

22 January 2020 - 15:08 | Technological innovations
6G networks will spread across Japan by 2030

6G networks will spread across Japan by 2030.

The country's authorities intend to launch large-scale work to study the new communication standard and spend more than $ 2 billion on this project.

A working group consisting of experts from the University of Tokyo, as well as specialists from the Ministry of the Interior and Communications, are developing a new generation network development strategy. Representatives of the business sector, Nippon Telegraph, Telephone and Toshiba, were also invited to participate in the project.

Experts believe that with the introduction of 6G, the speed of information transfer will increase by 10 times compared with 5G.

According to, according to available information, similar programs are planned in China, South Korea and Finland.

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