Car printed on 3D printer

16 January 2020 - 16:10 | Technological innovations
Car printed on 3D printer

As it is reported, EU countries have introduced three-dimensional printers.

It is not yet possible to completely print a car using a 3D printer, but European researchers have already reproduced the appearance of some models using hybrid technology - a kind of robot with three-dimensional printing. How does the new Kraken work and what is its commercial potential?

According to, Jose Antonio Dieste, a mechanical engineer and project coordinator, says: “This is a model that reproduces the original at half the scale. We made it using a new hybrid technology, which integrates a three-dimensional printer, and it prints the details. The system allows you to dose consumables to give the object the final shape.

We sought to build a platform capable of reproducing very large elements. Today's available 3D printers are designed primarily for small scale. But we wanted to increase it and developed a system that is capable of delivering large volumes of consumables for a long time and very quickly - our speed is 2 thousand times faster than that of competitors! When you print in this format, the problem of grinding parts often arises. Our technology involves the reprocessing of an already printed element in order to remove imperfections and give the object the desired shape. ”

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