The annual report of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences presented

15 January 2020 - 18:47 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held.

During the event, President of ANAS academician Ramiz Mehdiyev presented to the first vice-president of ANAS academician Isa Habibbayli – 1st class Order of Merit to the Fatherland, vice-president of ANAS academician Dilgam Taghiyev - Order of “Shohrat”, academician Vagif Farzaliyev - Order of “Sharaf”. Scientists were awarded these awards according to the relevant orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Opening the meeting, President of ANAS academician Ramiz Mehdiyev noted that the reports occupy a special place in the life of the Academy of Sciences. He said that since November last year, laboratories and divisions submitted their reports to scientific institutions and scientific institutions to the corresponding departments. The academician emphasized that from today, each division will submit its annual report to the Presidium, and annual report of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences (DPMTS) is submitted for consideration first.

Noting that the Academy of Sciences is currently undergoing extensive reforms aimed at the implementation of ANAS activities in accordance with the calls of the modern world and instructions of President Ilham Aliyev, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev added that in front of scientific institutions of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences, which occupies a special place in the development of domestic science, there are important tasks. The academician said that work is currently underway to implement the "Development Program of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan for 2020-2025." The program defines tasks and priorities aimed at developing the Academy of Sciences at a new stage. The implementation of this program will create wide opportunities for the active participation of the Academy in the fulfillment of the tasks set by the state for science.

Then, in 2019, chairman of the Division, vice president of ANAS academician Rasim Alguliyev made a report on the scientific and organizational activities of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences.

Academician Rasim Alguliyev noted that the decisions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Cabinet of Ministers, General Meeting of ANAS, Presidium of ANAS and orders of the President of ANAS were taken as the basis for the scientific and organizational activities of the division. The scientist emphasized that in the reporting year, division institutions took an active part in the implementation of 9 state programs approved by the head of state.

The academician said that last year fundamental and applied research was carried out in accordance with the priority areas approved by the Presidium, and important scientific results were obtained.

Academician Rasim Aliguliyev noted that in 2019 the total number of scientific publications published by scientists of the division was 1979, 1105 articles of scientists were published, 480 of which were published in journals with impact factor and conference materials included in the Web of Science and Scopus”, the works of scholars of the department were referred to 12066 times. He said that last year, for the first time, an article by our scientists was published in the famous journal Nature, the impact factor of which exceeds 40. According to an analysis by Clarivate Analytics, in 2019 Azerbaijan ranked by the number of articles published in the scientific areas of the department first place in the region.

According to the academician, in the reporting year, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 10, 2018 “On Additional Measures to Improve Certification of Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, National Information System “Scientific Personnel” was created, in accordance with the order of President Ilham Aliyev of May 23, 2012 “On the state program on the use of the Azerbaijani language in the context of globalization in accordance with the requirements of the time and the development of linguistics in the country ”- “National Transliteration System”.

The academician said that work was continued to expand the infrastructure of the scientific computer network "AzScienceNet", which is a network platform of electronic science, preserving the resources of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS in the AzScienceNet network data center, supporting Hosting services, rational use of resources, as well as integration into online - The scientific and educational environment of Europe. Network infrastructures of e-science and e-education were integrated into AzScienceNet and AzEduNet, access to GEANT was provided, and thereby created great opportunities for online cooperation between Azerbaijani scientists and European scientific and educational organizations.

The speaker noted that the scientific institutions of the division held 9 conferences of international and 4 conferences of the republican level, and also published 10 scientific journals in the Azerbaijani and English languages, in which articles of both domestic and foreign scientists were published. About 20% of the articles that were published in these journals are articles by foreign scholars. 5 of these journals are already included in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. According to its impact factor, the journal Applied and Computational Mathematics takes the 1st place in the countries of the former USSR, the 4th in Europe, the 10th in the world. The Azerbaijan Mathematical Journal and the journal Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS are included in the Web of Science database, the journal Applied and Computational Mathematics, the Azerbaijan Mathematical Journal, and the journals of ANAS. A series of physical, technical and mathematical sciences. Mathematics Issue” and “Energy Problems”- to the “Scopus” database.”

After listening to the report of the vice president of ANAS, academician Rasim Aliguliyev, reflecting the annual report of the DPMT, relevant proposals were announced.

In his speech, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev said that when determining the tasks and priorities of the department for the next stage, it is necessary to take into account the instructions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, which he gave to the National Academy of Sciences, and the provisions that found a place in state programs and strategies, as well as in the “Program the development of ANAS for 2020-2025 ”, to direct the intellectual potential to solving issues covering state interests, and to actively participate in the examination of state scientific and to technical projects. According to Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences should play an active role in increasing the role of high-tech products and services based on high technologies in the development of the economy in the country, as well as in the formation of a knowledge economy and the transfer of technological achievements; At the same time, physical, mathematical and technical sciences should become a locomotive for other fields of science.

The academician noted that in order to obtain additional extrabudgetary funds, special importance should be given to applied research, activities in the field of work with grants should be strengthened. He emphasized that the National Academy of Sciences should play an active role in shaping the knowledge economy in the country.

Along with this, special attention should be paid to expanding international scientific ties, conducting joint research with leading scientific research centers and participating in mega-projects; the proposals made in the report should be taken into account, including such topical issues as the formation of problematic tips again, modernization the material and technical base of scientific institutions, etc., the activities of the department should be based on new priorities and principles.

Academicians Ibrahim Guliyev, Telman Aliyev, Fikret Aliyev, Adil Garibov, Javad Abdinov, Nazim Mammadov, corresponding members of ANAS Aminagha Sadigov, Vagif Guliyev, Misir Mardanov, Namig Jalilov, Oktay Gasimov and Ogtay Samadov expressed their opinion and participated in the discussions, voiced their suggestions.

In conclusion, report was approved. It was decided to include important results obtained in the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences in the annual report of ANAS. Various proposals were voiced aimed at improving the level of research, educational and testing works.

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