Universal journalist robot to be tested for the first time

13 January 2020 - 16:29 | Technological innovations
Universal journalist robot to be tested for the first time

In our country, artificial intelligence is being tested for the first time, which, without human intervention, can pose meaningful questions to interlocutors and create a text for publications based on answers. It is planned that the neural network will “talk” with Belarusian opinion leaders and even “work” as a journalist in one of the domestic publications.

The development of the neural network is being carried out by a large Russian-Belarusian software company. According to him, will provide an unusual project with a technological platform and the necessary resources for remote access and placement of a neural network on the Internet. “We are pleased that interesting and innovative projects are gathering on our site. This indicates that the development strategy of unlimited cloud hosting of sites in the country fully justifies itself. As before, we invite IT companies, startups and other companies for cooperation requires a non-standard approach and high-quality hosting services with round-the-clock technical support, "he said.

Speaking about the project with a neural network, Alexander Khmyl noted that the developers have not yet decided on the format of access to the resources of an artificial interviewer. Most likely, testing will be limited, and wide access to the new product will appear only after the authors finish the development of a special web service. According to the idea of ​​the developers, the scope of AI can be quite wide - from conducting interviews with stars and experts, ending with special surveys and job interviews.

According to, artificial intelligence evaluates its interlocutor and generates questions based on information about a particular person. At the same time, the machine is able to conduct a psychological assessment of the interlocutor and select questions that will cause him an emotional response.

Recall that in 2019 managed to interest owners and creators of innovative projects with its capabilities, including a major travel service and the world's first online store where goods can be selected by smell. The hosting provider intends to further expand this list and attract new promising projects to its site.

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