Innovative gadgets for the elderly introduced at CES 2020

10 January 2020 - 12:24 | Technological innovations
Innovative gadgets for the elderly introduced at CES 2020

In Las Vegas (USA), one of the largest events in the field of consumer electronics continues - the grandiose technology exhibition CES 2020, which this year is accompanied by a particularly large number of interesting announcements. At the exhibition you can also find gadgets targeted at the elderly.

This, in particular, a variety of new products designed for medical monitoring. We are talking about wearable devices that help to collect valuable medical information - the data is sent to the server where they are analyzed, and in case of problems, the gadget owner receives a special notification.

Many companies are looking at the segment of wearable devices for the elderly - for example, CarePredict has announced smart watches designed specifically for the elderly. Development CarePredict is able to recognize gestures, as well as warn of potential health problems.

Z-Works has revealed its innovative Z-wave protocol, which, in conjunction with the Origin Wireless system, can be used to track a person using a Wi-Fi signal. In this way, falls can be detected and the elderly person moving around the house.

Colleagues of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan) brought to CES 2020 a special entertaining robot, created also for senior citizens, reports.

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