An article by an institute's employee published in a prestigious journal

09 January 2020 - 10:54 | New publications
An article by an institute's employee published in a prestigious journal

Soft Computing journal published the article «Application of the TOPSİS method to improve software efficiency and to optimize its management» Ph.D., associate professor Shafagat Mahmudova. 

The article uses the TOPSIS method for decision-making to improve software efficiency and to optimize its management by using methodological approaches. Criteria and alternatives for software are identified. Two or three of software features from other studies are used. Using the estimations of four expert programmers, the values of the worst and best alternatives n multi-criterion decision-making are found. The skills of the experts are also taken into account for finding the values. The results of the experiments are estimated to be good.

Note that the journal Soft Computing, published by the academic publishing house Springer Nature, is indexed and referenced by international scientific databases: Web of Science (IF 2.784), DBLP, EBSCO Academic Search, EBSCO Engineering Source, Google Scholar, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China.

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