Ford designed windows for the people with visual impairment

08 January 2020 - 15:35 | Technological innovations
Ford designed windows for the people with visual impairment

The American company Ford has created a device through which people who have lost their eyesight can "see" the image. The development, dubbed "Feel The View", was carried out by Ford in conjunction with GTB in Italy and the local company Aedo.

According to, the new technology is based on the transmission of sensations through 255 vibrations that are sent to car windows and which blind people can feel when touched. To start the broadcast, you only need to activate the device by pressing the button and it will take a picture of the landscape. In fact, this image is a monochrome image translated into shades of gray, and each shade of technology converts this into a unique vibration, the intensity of which depends on the color saturation.

This allows blind or visually impaired people to "see" or rather "feel" the displayed landscapes, using touch to feel the smallest details. Thus, blind people can both appreciate the surrounding landscape as a whole, and its individual objects.

Also, some help can be provided by the virtual assistant built into the system, which is able to pronounce keywords related to the image in order to more accurately convey the picture.

"We strive to make people's lives better, and it was a fantastic opportunity to help blind passengers feel the magnificent aspect of driving. The technology is advanced, but the concept is simple - and can turn worldly trips into truly unforgettable ones," the company explained.

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