Microcomputer in the form of a business card developed

27 December 2019 - 14:55 | Technological innovations
Microcomputer  in the form of a business card developed

In printing houses, designers constantly come up with the most original forms and varieties of business cards. But embedded engineer George Hilliard decided to turn a piece of paper into a full-fledged computer running Linux. Such a business card can be used as an external drive.

If you evaluate the power of a business card as a computer, then it hardly reaches the analogs of Raspberry Pi or Orange Pi. The card contains the minimum number of radio components and microcircuits, but, according to the creator, its performance can be easily improved by changing the concept of the circuit.

An 8 MB drive is installed on the card - this section of memory can be used to install small applications,  reports. To download the preinstalled version of Linux, just connect the business card to the computer via the built-in USB connector. According to George Hilliard, the author of a technological accessory, two Python text interpreters are sewn into his memory.

You can use the gadget as a flash drive, however, a volume of 8 MB will not allow you to store any multimedia files. The developer rated his brainchild at $ 2.88.

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