Dubai completes construction of world's largest 3D printing building

24 December 2019 - 08:55 | Technological innovations
Dubai completes construction of world's largest 3D printing building

Apis Cor has completed the construction of the world's largest 3D printing building, the administrative complex in Dubai.

A two-story building with an area of ​​640 square meters. m and a height of 9.5 m was established using one 3D printer. Three builders took part in the creation of the building, who monitored the operation of the printer and installed some parts of the structure manually.

The portable 3D printer developed by the company moved on the crane during the construction process and printed the building layer by layer, fastening them with a cement mixture.

According to, the entire construction process took about three weeks. The company’s message says that people took a significant part in the construction of the building - in particular, builders inserted windows and doors, as well as manually poured concrete supporting structures from reinforcement.

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