A surface is created that even bacteria and viruses do not stick to

18 December 2019 - 16:43 | Technological innovations
A surface is created that even bacteria and viruses do not stick to

As you know, bacteria and viruses multiply quite quickly, getting on any surface. Therefore, the cleaning and disinfection of surfaces from microorganisms is extremely important both in everyday life, and, for example, during operations. But you wouldn’t have to clean anything if bacteria and viruses could not “catch on” from the very beginning. And researchers at McMaster University seem to have created material that repels even the most deadly superbugs.

According to, a team of researchers from McMaster University has developed a self-cleaning surface that can "reflect all forms of bacteria." In appearance, it is not much different from ordinary plastic. The development can be applied in conditions that require high purity, from hospitals to kitchens. The material is also ideal for food packaging, where it can stop the accidental transfer of bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria from raw chicken, meat and other foods.

The study was led by Leila Soleimani and Tohid Didar, who collaborated with their colleagues from the McMaster Institute for Infectious Diseases and the Macmaster Canada Center for Electron Microscopy. The new surface is a combination of nanoscale surface engineering and chemistry. The surface is textured with microscopic “wrinkles”, which exclude all external influences. Drops of water or blood, for example, just bounce off. The same goes for bacteria.

Researchers tested the work of their material using two forms of antibiotic-resistant bacteria at once: Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The material demonstrated its repulsive ability by 87%.

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