Institute staff participated in the 5th SIG-CISS seminar

03 December 2019 - 11:18 | Important events
Institute staff participated in the 5th SIG-CISS seminar

The 5th SIG-CISS meeting (5th SIG-CISS, Cloudy Interoperable Software Stacks - Cloud Interactive Software Support) was held on November 28-29 in Athens, Greece, as part of EaPConnect and GARR. The workshop provided extensive information on the effective use of CS3-CSS systems, such as OpenStack, Sync Share, SaaS, and Infrastructure, and highlighted the problems that have arisen in these services.

The two-day workshop, which was held in the form of a round table, was attended by representatives from  Azerbaijan (AzScienceNet), Belarus (BASNET), Georgia (GRENA), Republic of Moldova (RENAM). 

The main purpose of the event was to discuss the challenges and solutions facing EaPConnect member states and provide information, expert support and practical recommendations to member organizations.

At the 5th SIG-CISS meeting, the institute was represented by Chief Specialist of the Institute of Information Technology Ogtay Alakbarov and a program engineer at AzScienceNet Orkhan Mansimzadeh.

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