The characteristics of the black market for personal data and the problems it posed

29 November 2019 - 16:51 | Conferences, assemblies

At the plenary session of the 5th Republican Conference "Actual multidisciplinary scientific and practical problems of information security", Rasim Mahmudov, the head of the public relations department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS made a report entitled "Features and problems created by the black market of personal data".

Speaking about the importance of personal data, the rapporteur said that the legal requirements regarding the use of personal data, and the limitations on their use for illegal business and criminal purposes, are the reason for the formation of the black market in this area.

According to him, the use of modern information security technologies and tools provides protection against standard cyber-attacks: “Therefore, cybercriminals are always looking for new opportunities and methods to transcend existing security systems. One of such methods is the capture of relevant information through the black market.”

Mahmudov spoke about the main services of the black market of personal data. He noted that in the black market of personal data,  the location of the mobile subscriber in real-time, the identification of the mobile subscriber in real-time, the list of the people he or she communicated with the mobile phone, the geographical location, time and trajectory of the person's movements, personal property, bank accounts, and personal information collected on providers' servers when using Internet  and etc. services are offered.

Referring to the pricing policy in the black market, he said that the prices of personal data in the black market vary depending on the social status and financial opportunities of the people. The Black Market receives personal information for various activities. “However, in most cases, the goal is the same - to make a profit. Simply, the ways in which you can obtain illegal income through personal data are different,” he highlighted. The growth of companies that focus on Big Data analytics and the development of software for automation of marketing processes are rapidly increasing the demand for personal data in the black market.

According to him, in some cases, personal data is also used to make false documents, as a subject of political struggle and political and ideological goals for foreign intelligence agencies.

He informed about the problems created by the black market. The formation and development of the black market of personal data led to a number of problems for states, businesses and organizations, and citizens.

In the end, the head of the department said it was important to improve relevant legislation to effectively combat the "black market" of personal data, strengthen cybercrime measures, and provide various services to organizations that implement appropriate government policies to protect personal information at the technological level.

Citizens must take care of their personal data, behave properly with them, and take into account the nature of the virtual environment. R.Mahmudov also emphasized the need to develop mechanisms for the de-personalization of personal data for the efficient use of Big Data needs.

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