Personal data security in Big Data era discussed

26 November 2019 - 12:31 | Conferences, assemblies

The Institute of Information Technology of ANAS held a scientific seminar of the department №3 on "Problems of personal data security in the era of Big Data".

Shahana Mansurova, a staff member of the department, presented the report and noted that major changes have occurred as a result of the development and application of modern ICTs in many areas. One of these changes is the rapid increase in the amount of data collected in the field of activity.

According to her, the "v" s  (volume, velocity, variety) that characterize this phenomenon, called Big Data in the era of fast flow of processed information, reflects the idea of using, storing, analyzing and obtaining more valuable information.

“New generation of analytical technologies are being created and used to maximize value in the community and business, using the resources available in the Big Data environment,” she noted. 

In the end, an exchange of views was held on the report, questions were answered.

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