Academician Rasim Alguliev: “With the improvement of Internet services, the dynamics in the labor market and knowledge economy have increased”

25 November 2019 - 18:15 | Conferences, assemblies

On November 25, the official opening of the International Startup Festival under the name "StartupFest 2019" took place.

Ulvi Mehdiyev, Chairman of the State Agency for Citizenship and Social Innovation Services under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, informed about events and panel sessions in Baku and Ganja as part of the StartupFest 2019 festival. The influence of trends in the rapid development of technologies on human life, the provision of public services, digital transformation in our country, steps taken by the state and a look at the future were also noted.

After the opening ceremony, the event continued with a panel session. Topics of the panel session: “Digital Transformation in the Public Sector: Opportunities and Challenges”, “Digital Transformation in the Business Sector: Opportunities and Challenges”, “Skills for the Future” and “Innovation Ecosystem: What are the Next Steps?”.

At the panel session on the topic “Skills for the Future”, the Vice President of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technologies, Academician Rasim Alguliyev spoke. Speaking about the importance of the field of information technology, the scientist said that this is a direction related to the creation of the future. The academician noted that targeted measures are being taken to integrate our country and that the country's leadership is carrying out significant work to include Azerbaijan in the number of developed countries in the world.

R. Alguliyev noted that in our country the necessary structural reforms have been carried out to establish the information society, forming a high-quality Internet and mobile communications infrastructure in the country, e-government and its segments - e-science, e-education, e-taxes, e-customs and etc., and also formed the sectors of e-business and e-citizenship.

Areas such as Big Data, Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, and robotics promise great economic prospects. According to the scientist, now with the development of the ICT sector, in particular, the increase of broadband Internet services, the dynamics in the labor market and in the knowledge economy were increased, the scope and prospects of development of 3D printing technologies were expanded, the influence of 3D printing technologies on modern production was increased. 

The speaker also noted the importance of training in the fields of ICT and the knowledge economy, ensuring information security for the formation of national software engineering, creating a space economy, protecting intellectual property and personal data.

Representatives of state bodies, private organizations and enterprises, including international experts, spoke at regular sessions.

It should be noted that StartupFest 2019 is held for the first time in Azerbaijan with the organization of the Center for Innovation LLC (INNOLAND) of the State Agency for Citizens and Social Innovation Services under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The festival will host events such as StartupFest 2019, Product Hunt Meetup, Startup Grind Ganja, Fun Baku, DevOpsDays Baku, Techstars Startup Weekend Baku Fintech, World E-Commerce Eurasia 2019 Baku Forum ".

The main goal of the festival is to unite players of the startup ecosystem in the region and Azerbaijan, exchange views on the development of the ecosystem and solve existing problems and turn Azerbaijan into a regional center of this sphere.

One of the main features of StartupFest 2019 is that it combines 6 international licensing events covering startups, their problems and solutions.

At the end of the event, the winners of the republican final of the Startup Days contest held among university students were awarded.

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